The Climate
Hardly any topic in the 21st century has received as much attention as the debate about the climate and its supposed phenomena.

What is the ICR

Independent science

The ICR is a group of scientists and engineers who came together in 2020 to engage in an open and public debate on the topic of climate change. We aim to contribute to the objectification of the debate through experimental work, publications, and multimedia contributions, thereby providing a counterpoint to the quasi-religious climate threat scenarios driven by anthropogenic CO2. Many ICR members had and have successful professional and academic careers before joining the group. Membership is open to anyone who can provide relevant contributions to enhance our competence, help improve our image, and contribute to the professional reputation of the ICR.

We do not seek to compete with other groups (CO2 Coalition, EIKE, etc.) and seek professional contact with them if there are relevant thematic overlaps. The ICR naturally has no “party line” or rules and deliberately no “97 percent consensus” on any topic. What unites us is the open-ended discussion and often unconventional but factual approach to the major questions of the climate debate.

The ICR is a non-profit group, meaning all work has so far been financed from our own funds. We do not intend to change this policy for small projects. Larger projects and experiments may in the future depend on external grants, but always while maintaining complete impartiality, no personal profit, and full transparency.

We are an interdisciplinary group of engineers, physicists, biologists, and ecologists; the interdisciplinary approach to our collaboration is important to us. Because climate is a complex interplay of various mechanisms and therefore certainly not just a field for modelers. We also aim for an understandable presentation of weather and climate data in a form that the public can understand and discuss.


Science with a Conscience

The mission of the ICR extends from understanding cosmic, solar, atmospheric, and geophysical influences on our climate.

Our Media

Videos and articles on the topic


Here you can find our latest projects


Send us your questions and suggestions

Our research results are freely accessible and can be shared and published at any time, provided the author is credited. We are an open group committed to open exchange and dialogue about the climate phenomenon. Therefore, send us your message with questions or suggestions.


Here you can find the entire content​

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